Retirement Planning Packages

Choose the program that is right for you.
Each program offers clear, practical steps to prepare you for retirement.
The focus is on YOU, NOT on your finances. You may need to explore your finances with your financial planner once you understand who you want to be and what you want to do.
This is not a cookie cutter program it’s personalized just for you.
Legacy Program
This is a nine (9) month program, meeting every other week.
It is for individuals who are 3-10 years prior to Retirement.
* Feeling disengaged at work?
* Tired of the meetings and constant changes?
* Not able to keep up?
+ Do you want to end your career feeling strong, valued, and engaged – leaving behind a legacy that you are proud of.
+ All the while preparing your vision and self for life outside of work.
This is a nine (9) month program, meeting every other week.
It is for individuals who are 9-12 months prior to Retirement.
+ Who want to a smooth transition from professional to retirement life.
+ Want to ensure that your knowledge is transferred once you have left your career?
+ Want to know who you are outside of work so that you can live intentionally and purposefully in retirement.
This is a seven (7) month program, meeting every other week.
It is for individuals who have Retired yet are not feeling satisfied.
+ Want to know who you are now that you are retired.
+ Bored and lost in their retired live
+ Ready to take action yet can’t figure out what or how to do it
We focus on how YOU offer value and identify how you want to live the rest of your life.
Each program comes with:
- Unlimited access to virtual, live, Mindful Yoga classes.
- Access to materials and worksheets for at least three months after you complete working with Sandra Menzies, LLC.
- Priority registration and a discount to any workshops, retreats, and support groups.